Freelance Illustrator & Story Artist

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The Yippy Zippy Zoo is a bright and playful children’s book by Bee Yourself Books. Come explore a zoo filled with the world’s wackiest animals, and discover what makes them all so unique!

Sam’s Secret is an original children’s book created for the RadKIDS Safety Education Program. This book has helped thousands of kids worldwide speak up against sexual abuse, and realize that no matter what happened, it is NEVER their fault.

Rankless is my fantasy graphic novel about a world where dragons follow a brutal social hierarchy called
“The Rankings.”
Apple, the newest member in The Rankings, must start at the very bottom and fight her way to the top.Rankless is geared towards ages 10-15

Enjoy a sneak peak of chapter 7!

My Time Traveling Dog is a short story about a dog with a peculiar habit of traveling 243 million years into the past. Sure, maybe it’s just his overactive imagination, but the massive souvenirs in his backyard may convince you otherwise…I wrote and illustrated this short story in 2023, and hope to someday turn it into a full children’s book.

Read the short story below!

Design Explorations